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My Big Dream

Bruce Wilkinson's "The Dream Giver" was given to us by a good friend several years ago and it found its way to our book shelf, unread and dusty.

Recently, a friend in our ministry asked us if we had ever read "The Dream Giver", which immediately reminded me that we have that book but had never cracked open the cover.

God obviously had a plan. This book was given to us for this very moment! Our hearts were now ready to receive the message and it's resulting call to action.

This book challenged us to dream! What is our God-given destiny? What has He called us to do with our lives? What is getting in the way of His dream for us?

As Tim and I read this book together, it was obvious that God has been preparing me for my big dream! God was calling me to Children's Ministry!

And as I thought about it, I have really been in "Children's Ministry" most of my life. I was a babysitter when I was in high school. I worked in the University Day Care center all through college. I graduated from college with a degree in Elementary Education and went on to teach Kindergarten and First Grade in public schools. And of course I have had my own 2 kids to raise up!

For 16 years I was my husband's right hand as we served in youth and children's ministry. So, what would it look like if we reversed the roles? Tim saw how God was moving in my heart and challenged me to live my big dream, God's dream! So, we decided to make a video to send with my resume. We went down to the creek behind our house and Tim filmed me talking about my vision for Children's Ministry. I had just my Bible, no notes and I only did one take... God was obviously giving me His words.

What is your God-given destiny?


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